St. John Baptist De La Salle was an innovative educator who systemized and made practical many of the educational methods considered standard practice today. Acknowledged as the patron saint of teachers, he permeated sound learning with spiritual development.
De La Salle School is dedicated to providing an environment that incorporates the charism of our patron. Students are recognized as unique, endowed by God with special gifts. They are challenged to develop intellectually, spiritually, and personally. Preparation for the future incorporates living the present as fully as we can and seeing the hand of God in the events of life. Students are taught the truths of the Gospel and the importance of putting these truths into practice. Enhanced through participation in liturgies and daily prayer, the practice of faith is reflected in a special concern for those in need.
As a Catholic school within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, De La Salle School provides a solid educational program founded on the traditions of the Catholic Church, the criterion of the Department of Catholic Schools and the curricular standards of the State of California. Recognizing parents as the primary educators, we are committed to working together to provide a positive learning program that expands individual abilities and promotes creative expression according to each student’s potential.
At De La Salle School we are dedicated to the conviction that our students of today will become the foundation for tomorrow. It is our mission to motivate our students to seek excellence in becoming that foundation, striving in all their efforts.